Kirk Room

Don Ware

Hold monthly CLCF business meeting.

Barbara DeRobertis

Booking for regular occurence of monthly community book club meetings for 2024.

Donald Lyon

To hold the annual meeting of the TMPS non-profit

Maureen Robeson

To gather extended family members for Christmas dinner and gift giving.

Maureen Robeson

Rehearse for the Festival of Trees

Mandy Cole

The Kirk Room is reserved for presentations related to Hands on History, a free historical and traditional activities event in Library Park. The event is sponsored by the Linn County Historical Museum Friends.

Sherri M Lemhouse

A small party thank to to the Library Volunteers

Sherri M Lemhouse

The Advance Directive is a set of instructions that expresses a person’s health care wishes if they were ever in the hospital and unable to speak for themselves. The Advance Directive tells the medical team who can speak for the patient and what the patient’s medical wishes are. While this document can feel overwhelming, these classes will attempt to make the confusing feel more understandable.
