Essential Services
The City Shop is located at 400 Hume Street.
Public Works Superintendent
Karl Frink
Public Works Operators
Josh Kometz, Andy Day & Chuck Brown
General Duties of Public Works include:
Water Supply & Distribution
- Plant, Chemicals & Testing
- Hydrants, Valves & Piping
Wastewater Treatment & Collections
- Plants, Chemicals, Testing & Reporting
- Plugs & Backups
- Maintenance & Upkeep
- Signage & Street Sweeping
- Drainage
Parks & Public Grounds
- Mowing & Tree Care
- General Upkeep & Maintenance
- General Upkeep & Maintenance
- Improvements
To report illegal dumping into a sanitary sewer, an open ditch or storm sewer, contact City Hall at 541.466.5880.