Sherri M Lemhouse


What if you were in an accident and cannot speak for yourself about health care choices or end of life care? Advanced Directives are legal documents that spell out end-of-life care before you need it. Help your family, friends and health care professionals avoid confusion and make the decisions you direct. Join Samaritan Health Services Chaplain Wes Sedlacek and learn about how an Advanced Directive could help you on Thursday, January 19 at 7 PM in the Kirk Room at your local Brownsville Community Library.

Name of Organization: 
Primary Phone During Event: 
Reservation Date: 
Thursday, January 19, 2023 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Title of Event: 
End of Life Planning: Advanced Directives
Number of expected attendees: 
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Name of Requester: 
Sherri M Lemhouse